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International RILEM Conference on Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation

The conference broadly concerns all aspects of volume changes of hardening concrete. In particular it concerns themes with relation to two technical RILEM committees:
- RILEM TC 196-ICC Internal curing of concrete;
- RILEM TC 195-DTD Recommendation for test methods for autogenous deformation and thermal dilation of early age concrete.

Contributions for the conference should deal with theory, measurement or modeling of volume changes. The following themes will be included:

- Mechanisms
- Materials
- Technologies
- Mitigation
- Test methods
- Practical consequences

In addition to this, time slots at the conference are allocated for PhD-project presenta­tions by participants on the DTU-RILEM Doctoral Course “Concrete Curing: From the Research Lab to the Construction Site”, Lyngby, 13-19 August 2006. These PhD presentations do not need to be confined to the above mentioned themes. More information about the doctoral course can be acquired from the conference secretary.

Three international experts will be invited to give keynote talks. Tentative titles for the talks are: “Scientific honesty”, “Tracking Scientific infor­ma­tion” and “Feeling research”.

The aim of the conference is to exchange ideas and views on volume changes of concrete in an open forum. Time slots for discussion of the themes and social activities are planned to promote an active workshop atmosphere.
Sunday 20th August 2006
Lyngby, Denmark

Lyngby, Denmark

Lyngby, Denmark

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Sunday 20th August 2006
Lyngby, Denmark
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