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International RILEM Conference on Use of Superabsorbent Polymers and Other New Additives in Concrete

New additives for concrete construction emerge and well-known additives are used for new purposes. Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) is a remarkable example of a new additive. SAP enables a significant control of water and porosity formation and can be used for several different purposes, such as mitigation of self-desiccation, rheology modification and frost protection of concrete. Other examples of new additives covered by the conference theme include:

- Internal curing agents

- Shrinkage reducing agents

- Stabilizers

- Agents for pore system control

Contributions for the conference should deal with theory, modelling, or results from experimental investigations, where such new additives are used in concrete. Contributions may be within – but are not limited to – the following topics:

- Shrinkage and cracking

- Rheology of fresh concrete

- Mechanical properties

- Durability

•- ptimization of type and usage

The aim of the conference is to exchange ideas and experience in an open forum. Time slots for discussion of the themes and social activities are planned to promote an active workshop atmosphere.

RILEM is scientific sponsor of the conference through the Technical Committee TC 225-SAP: Application of superabsorbent polymers in concrete construction chaired by Prof. Mechtcherine. The Department of Civil Engineering at DTU is hosting this conference.
Sunday 15th August 2010
Lyngby, Denmark

Lyngby, Denmark

Lyngby, Denmark

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Sunday 15th August 2010
Lyngby, Denmark
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