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Region : Europe
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Interact Doctoral School on alkali-activated materials, a new generation of concrete

Course description : PhD Students and PostDoc researchers interested in modern alkali-activated concretes learn and discuss in lectures, get hands-on experience with advanced experimental techniques in laboratory exercises and are introduced to micromechanics-based multiscale modeling. A final presentation is prepared by the participants on a topic of choice based on the results obtained during the laboratory and modeling exercises. Feedback is provided by all teachers.

Course Dates, frequency : May 23-27, 2022 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Target group : Up to now, we have 16 registrations. The maximum number of participants has been fixed to 25.

Teachers : All talks will be given in English. All teachers are confirmed and are listed hereafter: Invited Lectures Interact Lectures Rupert Myers, Imper. Coll. London Özlem Cizer, KU Leuven Arnaud Deraemaeker, ULB Didier Snoeck, ULB/VUB Brussels Ruben Snellings, VITO Markus Königsberger, TU/ULB Frank Dehn, Karlsruher Inst. Techn Mert Yücel Yardimci, UGent Brice Delsaute, ULB Susan Bernal, Univ. Leeds Stéphanie Staquet, ULB Jérome Carette, ULB Luise Göbel, Bauhaus U. Shiju Joseph , University of Glasgow

Objective : Upon successful presentation, participants receive a certificate with 3 ECTS (3 credits that may be validated as doctoral research training in their home university).

Cost – special costs : 250 Euros

Other Sponsors : FNRS-FWO in Belgium under the research project EOS Interact

from Monday 23rd May
to Friday 27th May 2022
Université Libre de Brussels
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels, Belgium

Université Libre de Brussels

50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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from Monday 23rd May
to Friday 27th May 2022
Université Libre de Brussels
50 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels, Belgium
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