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Hydration and microstructure characterization of cementitious materials

Course information


Title: Hydration and microstructure characterization of cementitious materials


General course objectives:

The course should provide the students with a detailed understanding of typically used techniques for characterization of cementitious materials and the ability to interpret data generated.


Learning objectives:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Detailed understanding of the physical principles of commonly used techniques for characterization of cementitious materials.
  • Basic knowledge in sampling and sample preparation.
  • Basic knowledge on the possibilities to predict kind and number of phases: ternary diagrams, mass balance calculations and short introduction to thermodynamic modelling
  • Ability to select appropriate techniques for characterization of cementitious materials, considering limitations and pitfalls
  • Ability to interpret data from TGA, XRD etc.
  • Ability to predict kind and number of phases using ternary diagrams and mass balance calculations
  • Ability to analyse, reflect and argue on a scientific basis
  • Ability to use theoretical considerations for interpretation of experimental data
  • Communication of the analysis and results of selected characterization data in both an oral presentation and a written report.



The course contains several aspects:

- The students should prepare for the course by reading in "A practical guide to microstructural Analysis of Cementitious Materials” CRC Press 2016.

- Selected chapters will be presented in lectures by recognized specialists.

- The students will work in groups with exercise data, in which each group shall identify what type of data-set has been investigated. The results of the group work are to be presented orally.

- After the course, each student will write a report that shows the successful application of the learning objectives in their own research. The report will be evaluated as pass/fail exam.


Course literature:

"A practical guide to microstructural Analysis of Cementitious Materials” Edited by K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, and B. Lothenbach, CRC Press 2016


Language of instruction: English

Points (ECTS): 5

Course type: Ph.D., Professionally focussed course


Dates: August12, 2024 to August 16, 2024

Location: DTU Campus Lyngby


Scope and form (3 weeks in total):

One-week intensive course.

Self-study and preparation of presentation before course.

Lectures and exercises including group presentation by participants.

A written report applying the acquired knowledge and skills to own research.


Type of assessment:

Evaluation of exercises/reports

To pass this course active participation and an approved final report are required.


Exam duration: A deadline for the final report will be applied


Evaluation: pass / not pass, internal examiner


Recommended Academic prerequisites: Basics in cement chemistry and the durability of cementitious materials are desirable


Participants restrictions: Minimum 16 - Maximum: 28


Responsible: Wolfgang Kunther , Ph. (+45) 45251752 ,


Course co-responsibles:

Arezou Baba Ahmadi ,

Ellina Bernard ,

Frank Winnefeld ,

Hoang Nguyen ,

Jørgen Skibsted ,

Malene Thostrup Pedersen ,


External Institutions:

Aarhus University

Chalmers University of Technology

Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

University of Oulu


Registration Sign up:

Registration through the DTU Studyplan (intern) and through DTU´s Conference Manager (extern)



A fee covering lecture material, lunches etc. applies - see conference manager for details.

from Monday 12th August
to Friday 16th August 2024
Campus Lyngby - DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark

Campus Lyngby - DTU

Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark

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from Monday 12th August
to Friday 16th August 2024
Campus Lyngby - DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
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