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Region : Sub-Saharan Africa
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1st Graduate Symposium on Sustainable Concrete and Structures in Nigeria


According to the UN Sustainability Goals, sustainablity is “the integration of environmental health, social equity and economic vitality in order to create thriving, healthy, diverse and resilient communities for this generation and generations to come”. 

If any material will impact greatly on the present and future environment it is concrete. Concrete is a ubiquitous material that is consumed in greater quantity next to water. It utilizes enormous natural materials in the form of aggregates and water, while it equally pollutes environment in the form of emitting greenhouse gases. The data indicates that annual global production of concrete is about 25 billion tonnes, translating to over 1.7 billion trucks per annum with the per capita consumption of over 3.8 tonnes.   The consequential effect of this is impacted on the climate change, causing global warming and distortion of ecosystem. 

Since concrete is synonymous to development and infrastructure, more of it will be consumed especially in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where there is gross infrastructural deficit to be bridged. In the view to up turn the tradition, new approach to concrete production and or new materials that ensure sustainability in all ramification has become a necessity than choice. The greener the concrete is the better for us and the future generation. Therefore, concerted efforts must be geared towards intensive and collaborative research in sustainable concrete.

This workshop aims at creating a platform for young researchers in the concrete related areas to interact, to promote joint activities and strengthen collaboration among them. This workshop will also afford the young researchers to listen to senior researchers for guidance in their research.

Who to attend?

The workshop is specifically designed for young researchers in concrete related subject. Ph.D. students are strongly encouraged to participate in this workshop. Meanwhile, Undergraduate students at final year level and MSc students could also participate. Postdoctoral candidates whose PhD degree is obtained after 2018 and not more than 40 years could also participate.


Interested participants should submit an abstract of not more than 200 words. The first author of the abstract and presenter must be the participating young researcher. The abstract may be based on a specific research topic, an ongoing research or review of literature that brings out research gaps in the field. The presentation must centre on any of the following and similar areas:

  • Supplementary cementitious materials
  • Non-traditional construction material
  • High-performance concrete
  • Self-compacting concrete
  • Carbon curing in concrete
  • Carbonation and durability issues in concrete
  • Concrete standards and codes
  • Chloride-induced corrosion and other deterioration methods
from Thursday 28th October
to Saturday 30th October 2021
Bolude Oyebolu Engineering Centre

Bolude Oyebolu Engineering Centre


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from Thursday 28th October
to Saturday 30th October 2021
Bolude Oyebolu Engineering Centre
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