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Final Conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI: Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions, Toulouse, France

RILEM Technical Committee 253-MCI - Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions (2013-2018), aims to achieve concerted approaches and comparisons of research outcomes in order to move toward a better understanding of the phenomena and furthermore, to standardization (for example, of test methods due to the real shortfall in this domain) and/or certification.

This two-day conference (25-26 June 2018) will focus on the main following topics, in 4 sessions:
- Topic 1: Microorganisms-cement-based materials interactions in different contexts: sewers, water treatment, agricultural environments, nuclear waste storage, etc. and the impact on the materials’ properties (biodeterioration) and/or the structures’ performances (durability, safety, etc.)
- Topic 2: Microbial stains on building materials and protection of materials; building materials with improved bio-receptivity (vegetal walls, reefs, etc.)
- Topic 3: Proliferation of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) on building materials in indoor conditions and health issues.
- Topic 4: Bacteria-based engineering protective systems for cementitious materials (biodeposition, bacteria-based self-healing systems, etc.)
For all these topics, presentations on mechanisms, durability of materials, test methods, modelling aspects, etc., overview of economic/, will be welcome

Deadline for abstracts: 1st October 2017
Deadline for full papers: 15th January 2018
Deadline for revised papers: 1st April 2018

from Monday 25 June
to Tuesday 26 June 2018
Toulouse, France

Toulouse, France

Toulouse, France

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from Monday 25 June
to Tuesday 26 June 2018
Toulouse, France
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