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DuRSAAM 2023 Symposium 'Advancing Alkali-Activated Materials'

The DuRSAAM2023 Symposium focusses on new developments in all aspects of alkali-activated concrete, sometimes also referred to as geopolymer concrete. The programme is focussed on bringing stakeholders together along the triple helix academia – industry – government, to foster developments in circular concrete.  To maximise interactions, the symposium is organized as a physical event, fully plenary around 5 thematic tracks with keynote speakers, poster and oral presentations.

Concrete is a popular and efficient building material. However, being used that widely all over the world, its environmental impact sums up to large numbers, among which 8% of the carbon dioxide emissions and over 20% of earth’s natural resources excavated for use as construction minerals. The upside of this observation is that when improving the environmental impact of concrete, significant improvements can be made in terms of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and using less primary raw materials. This in line with the goals set forth internationally in terms of Circular Economy and Green Deal policies. In the family of greener concrete solutions, alkali-activated concrete is emerging rapidly being compatible with current solutions for structural concrete and whereby pilot projects and applications have already been realized in various countries.

The characterization and application of alkali-activated concrete remains however less advanced than traditional concrete, stressing the importance to provide a forum for researchers, professional practitioners, and governmental staff to share ideas and be challenged. As such, the DuRSAAM2023 Symposium calls for all who are curious, interested and/or knowledgeable in alkali-activated concrete, including hybrid binder solutions.

Symposium thematic tracks

The DuRSAAM2023 Symposium “Advancing alkali-activated materials” focusses on new developments in all aspects of alkali-activated or geopolymer concrete. The contributions, among which the extended abstract (max. 3 pages) and associated presentations, should pertain to, at least, one of the following thematic tracks:

  • Track 1: "Mix-design and microstructure" - Mix design and rheology | microstructure & transport properties | microstructural modelling and reaction kinetics | (etc.)

Through understanding mix formulations, their reaction kinetics and time-dependent microstructural development, value insights are gained into alkali-activated materials, especially at paste or mortal level and in view of workability, mechanical performance and durability of alkali-activated concretes. Mix designs targeting a wide variability of precursors, including those from local urban mining, are of interest; as well as hybrid solutions combining Portland cement with alkali-activated slags and ashes.

  •  Track 2: "Durability performance" - Carbonation, chloride ingress, rebar corrosion | freeze-thaw and other forms of concrete degradation | creep and shrinkage | fire | (etc.)

To scale up the use of alkali-activated concrete into practices, a good understanding of their durability performance is key. Grasping degradation of alkali-activated concrete in relevant service environments and enhancement of durability, allows to explicitly design concrete products and structures for the required service life or may demonstrate equivalent performance with traditional concretes.

  • Track 3: "Structural behaviour and design" - Load-bearing behaviour | long-term deformations | reinforced and prestressed concrete | fibre reinforced concrete | precasting| repair and strengthening | (etc.)

Structural applications of alkali-activated concrete refer to both new and existing structures. This looks into various forms of alkali-activated (load-bearing) concrete members, in terms of reinforcement and fabrication/repair types; and focusses on structural behaviour and design.

  • Track 4: "Service life and life cycle assessment" - Service life modelling| life cycle assessment| life cycle costing | sustainability performance indicators | (etc.)

To apply alkali-activated concretes into the built environment, nowadays, it is important to underpin their sustainability performance in terms of achievable service life and life cycle performance.

  • Track 5: "Industry perspective and application cases" - Applications | demonstrators & cases | lessons learned by practitioners & governments | standardisation | policies | (etc.)

This last track focusses on application or demonstration examples and experiences by all stakeholders involved in the implementation of alkali-activated concrete, including standardisation efforts, tendering experiences, etc..

Important Dates

Pre-registration of authors August 27, 2022
Extended abstract submission October 28, 2022
Preliminary acceptance November 11, 2022
Deadline early-bird registration November 18, 2022
Notification of review feedback December 16, 2022
Camera-ready manuscript January 20, 2023
DuRSAAM 2023 Symposium | Ghent, Belgium February 8-10, 2023
from Wednesday 8th February
to Friday 10th February 2023
Ghent, Belgium

Ghent, Belgium

Ghent, Belgium

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from Wednesday 8th February
to Friday 10th February 2023
Ghent, Belgium
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