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Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete: theory, prevention and repair

The course on Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete: theory, prevention and repair, offered by RILEM (Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Materiaux) under the auspices of Alconpat International, provides a deep understanding of the fundamentals, propagation mechanisms, structural consequences and preventive measures related to corrosion in construction materials. Led by renowned experts in the field, this course offers a balanced combination of theory and practice to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively address corrosion challenges in the construction industry.

This course was part of the 75th RILEM Annual Week and due to its success it is now offered in a pre-recorded format.


COURSE COORDINATOR: Dr. Carmen Andrade Perdrix

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of reinforcement corrosion, ranging from the foundations of electrochemical and advanced techniques for the detection and measurement of corrosion, to the interpretation of results with practical examples in real structures. Additionally, corrosion propagation patterns, the impact of mixing ratios and environmental conditions, the structural implications of corrosion, regulations for prevention of deterioration, and effective protection and repair methods based on real case studies.

This course will be worth 2 continuing education units European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the course. Additionally, a certificate will be issued to those who pass the exam. The course will be open for 30 days from the start date, after that period the videos will not be accessible. At the end of the course there will be an online achievement test which will be passed with a score greater than 70/100.



RILEM/Alconpat Members: $200 USD
General public: $300 USD


  • Acquisition of fundamental and advanced knowledge about corrosion in construction materials.
  • Understanding the mechanisms of corrosion propagation and its structural consequences.
  • Knowledge of regulations and standards related to corrosion.
  • Familiarity with corrosion prevention and protection techniques.
  • Identification of repair and maintenance options for structures affected by corrosion.



Module I: Fundamentals in corrosion
• Fundamentals in corrosion (Dessi Koleva and Juan Jesús Muñoz) - 2 hours
• Corrosion propagation (Gibson Meira and Carmen Andrade) - 2 hours

Module II: Concrete quality and environment
• Concrete quality and environment (Yuri Villagrán) - 2 hours
• Structural consequences (Jesús Rodríguez) - 2 hours

Module III: Normative on corrosion
• Normative on corrosion (Pedro Castro) - 2 hours
• Corrosion prevention through resistivity and corrosion inhibitors (Andrés Torres) - 2 hours

Module IV: Cathodic Protection and Repair Options
• Cathodic protection (Oladis Troconis de Rincón) - 2 hours
• Repair Options (Enio Pazini) - 2 hours

from Monday 2nd September
to Monday 30th September 2024
Online event

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from Monday 2nd September
to Monday 30th September 2024
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