Events calendar

Region : North America & Caribbean
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Annual conference: Canadian Society for Civil Engineering

Abstracts of up to 350 words are due by November 10, 2023

All papers must be submitted by February 26, 2024, accompanied by one full delegate registration.

Along with the General Conference (which will include special topics in Asset Management), CSCE Niagara Falls 2024 will host Specialty Conferences in:

  • Structural Engineering

  • Environmental Engineering

  • Transportation Engineering

  • Engineering Mechanics and Materials

  • Hydrotechnical

  • Engineering Management

  • Cold Regions

from Wednesday 5th June
to Friday 7th June 2024
Niagara Falls, Canada

Niagara Falls, Canada

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from Wednesday 5th June
to Friday 7th June 2024
Niagara Falls, Canada
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