Events calendar

75th RILEM Annual Week
The 75th RILEM week (75RW2020) consists of the RILEM Standing Committees Meetings (TAC, DAC, DEV, Bureau) and several RILEM technical committee meetings (TC). It will also hold the International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures, and in support to RILEM Mission, a session to promote the enrolment of various national and international industrial segments in potential joint activities, as well as several PhD courses. The 75RW2020 will be a unique opportunity to establish or strengthen collaboration networks between professionals, students and companies dedicated to research, technological development and innovation, in the area of construction materials and structures.
The conference program consists of eight segments bringing together the latest developments to improve the quality assurance in construction materials and testing, and together with the doctoral courses, seeks to attract the participation of young researchers and professionals from the construction industry, to contribute towards the development of the scientific initiatives established within the eight RILEM clusters. The main goals the organization seeks to fulfill are:
- To promote sustainable and safe construction, and improved performance and cost benefit for society,
- To stimulate new directions of research and its applications, promoting excellence in construction,
- To favor and promote cooperation at international scale by general access to advanced knowledge
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Merida, Mexico
Merida, Mexico
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