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2nd Dresden International Summer School – Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety

The Dresden International Summer School (DISS) is organized by the Research Training Group GRK 2250 “Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety” established in 2017 by the German Research Society (DFG) at the TU Dresden. Existing concrete or reinforced concrete structures feature a relatively low resistance to various sorts of impact loading, such as shock, collision, or explosion. The primary goal of the Research Training Group is to bring substantial improvements in the impact resistance of existing buildings by applying thin layers of strengthening material. By using innovative, mineral-bonded composites, public safety and the reliability of vitally important infrastructure should be significantly enhanced. The scientific basis to be developed will additionally enable to build new, impact-resistant structures economically and ecologically. The goal of the Summer School is to bring talented international master and PhD students working on impact resistance of concrete structures and fibre-reinforced cement-based materials together and give them a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research in the field. The focus will be on use of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) and strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) for strengthening of existing concrete structures against impact loading. Lectures and exercises will be offered on material design and production of high-performance mineral-based composites, mechanical characterization and material modelling at high strain rates, structural design and numerical simulation of strengthened elements, and sustainability assessment. Direct link to the DISS 2022 website:

from Sunday 19th June
to Friday 24th June 2022
TU Dresden and Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research of Dresden
01062 Dresden, Germany

TU Dresden and Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research of Dresden

01062 Dresden, Germany

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from Sunday 19th June
to Friday 24th June 2022
TU Dresden and Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research of Dresden
01062 Dresden, Germany
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