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1st International Online Conference on Infrastructures - IOCI 2022

There will be four specific sessions:

  • S1: BIM: Building Information Modeling for Infrastructure Management: Information exchange and interoperability for a collaborative lifecycle work; Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
  • S2: Digitalization: Digital Twins for Infrastructure Digitalization: Sensing and actuation technologies for infrastructure health monitoring; diagnostics and prognostics; model definition and updating; infrastructure safety assurance
  • S3: Smart Infrastructures: Information Technologies as a Base for Intelligent Transportation Systems: IoT systems and techniques; cybersecurity
  • S4: Materials and Sustainability: infrastructure and construction materials; multifunctional materials and structures; concrete; operation and maintenance; pavement management; end-of-life; management and application of construction and demolition waste (CDW)

Key dates

Abstract Submission:  11th March 2022
Acceptance Notification:  4th April 2022
Early Bird Registration:  8th April 2022
Registration Deadline: 30th May 2022
Covering Author Registration: 29th April 2022


from Tuesday 7th June
to Thursday 9th June 2022
Event organised in person and online

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from Tuesday 7th June
to Thursday 9th June 2022
Event organised in person and online
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