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16th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (XVI DBMC)

The triennial conferences of DBMC (Durability of Building Materials and Components) have been recognized as a high-quality forum for scientific research and knowledge sharing in the broad areas of civil engineering and architecture. The past 15 editions of DBMC conferences have brought forth deep insights and technical solutions to the key challenges confronting the whole engineering community. Today, more than ever, the engineering community should be mobilized to address the global issue of sustainability for our whole society.     

The XVI DBMC is committed to the promotion of scientific insight and technological innovation in the fields of civil engineering to help the sustainability of our society. To this purpose, the focus of this conference is put on the sustainability and the related concepts, methods and techniques from civil engineering community.

The main themes of this DBMC edition include, but not limited to, the innovative materials, the conventional durability, the intelligent construction and the life cycle engineering. The innovative materials involve the high performance, eco-green, multi-functional and smart materials. The conventional durability includes the actions and mechanisms, the testing and modeling, the design and assessment, the practice and specifications, and the historical heritage and monuments. The intelligent construction refers to the construction automation and robotics (including 3D printing), and the numerical infrastructure and intelligent design. The life cycle engineering covers the life cycle costing and methods, the recycling of wastes, and the carbon reduction and neutralization. In addition, special talks will be arranged for the ongoing or recent mega-projects in China and abroad.    


Important Dates                                                                                                            

  • Abstract submission: still open in February 2023 (extended)
  • Abstract acceptance: until February 28, 2023 (extended)
  • Full paper submission: until April 15, 2023 (extended)
  • Full paper acceptance: until May 31, 2023
  • Early-bird registration: from January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023
  • Regular registration: from July 1, 2023
from Tuesday 10th October
to Friday 13th October 2023
Tsinghua University
1 Qing Hua Yuan
100084 Beijing, China

Tsinghua University

1 Qing Hua Yuan
100084 Beijing, China

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from Tuesday 10th October
to Friday 13th October 2023
Tsinghua University
1 Qing Hua Yuan
100084 Beijing, China
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