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14th International Conference "Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques"

This conference provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, managers and professionals from around the world to share the latest achievements in field of civil engineering. Such a conference is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, exchange knowledge and extend the list of new contacts.

Traditional International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques has been organized since 1991 when the very first forum organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University was held in Vilnius, Lithuania. After long pandemic period since last Conference organized in 2019, it will be an opportunity for scientists, engineers, managers and professionals from around the world to meet each other again on 5–6 of October 2023, to share the knowledge and extend list of contacts.

Dedicated to the 700th anniversary of VILNIUS

Conference topics

Modern building and structural materials 


Advanced structures, analysis and design


Smart construction technologies

High-performance materials


Composite and layered structures


Building information modeling

Non-metallic reinforcement


Steel and aluminum structures 


Human safety

Concrete technologies


Structural fire resistance design


Fire safety

Cementitious composites


Innovative bridge structures


Operational research



Prestressed structures


Facility management

Thermal insulation materials


Stability of structures


Real estate management

Fire-resistant materials


Smart structures


Maintenance and renovation of buildings





Decision support systems in construction

Acoustic evaluation of materials and structures


Structural mechanics and optimization



Sustainable materials and their production


Structural health monitoring and risk analysis





Masts, towers and tall buildings 





Repair, strengthening and rehabilitation of structures





Glass, plastic and timber structures





Footings, foundations and tunnels





Reinforced concrete and masonry structures





Thin-walled structures





Cable supported structures





Spatial structures and large-span roofs



Important dates

  • May 1, 2023 – Deadline for registration and full paper submission for review
  • May 31, 2023 – Notification of paper acceptance
  • June 30 , 2023 – Submission of corrected final papers (corrected papers according to review report)
  • July 10, 2023 – Notification of acceptance of final papers
  • July 15, 2023 – Deadline for payments for all conference authors of the articles (if you don't pay until 15th July 2023, your Articles will be not published as full-page in the electronic Conference Material and not included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science ISI Proceedings database)
from Thursday 5th October
to Friday 6th October 2023
Hotel Best Western Vilnius
14 Konstitucijos pr.
09309 Vilnius, Lithuania

Hotel Best Western Vilnius

14 Konstitucijos pr.
09309 Vilnius, Lithuania

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from Thursday 5th October
to Friday 6th October 2023
Hotel Best Western Vilnius
14 Konstitucijos pr.
09309 Vilnius, Lithuania
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