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EAC-02 - 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures, Brussels, Belgium


The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers from academia and industry for exchanging ideas, latest achievements and for establishing new collaborations in the field of concrete technology and knowledge to control early age cracking and cement hydration effects, and thus improve structures serviceability and durability. It is the annual conference organized within the framework of European COST action TU1404 ( which aims at accelerating knowledge transfer in the form of new recommendations, introduce new products and technologies and promote international and interdisciplinary exchange of information.
This conference is dedicated to the discussion and dissemination of relevant results and various activities of Action members, but also from other researchers, PhD students, or industry specialists.

The conference welcomes both experimental and numerical studies relevant to the whole life time of the cement-based material in the wide field of monitoring of early age chemical and mechanical properties, modeling of the microstructure development, cracking mechanisms. The topics include but are not limited to the following list.


Testing of cement-based materials
•Fresh properties and setting
•Non-destructive monitoring of hydration and cracking
•Chemical and microstructural characterization
•Transport properties and boundary effects
•Mechanical properties and creep
•Volume stability (autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, restrained shrinkage)
•Fracture properties and cracking
•Advanced experimental techniques

Modeling of cement-based materials and behavior of structures
•Microstructural modelling
•Multiscale modelling
•Macroscopic modelling
•Probabilisitic modelling
•Durability/transport modelling
•Benchmarking calculations

Development of products and recommendations
•Qualification and development of devices for testing and monitoring concrete at early age
•Development and qualification of software and design methodologies for concrete at early age
•Development and revision of recommendations and standards to prevent / control early age cracking and related durability issues

March 15, 2017 - Abstract submission NEW deadline
April 1st, 2017 - Notification of acceptance of abstract
May 31st, 2017 - Submission of full paper and early bird registration deadline
July 7, 2017 - Review notification
July 21st, 2017 - Final registration deadline
August 21st, 2017 - Submission of revised full paper
from Tuesday 12 September
to Thursday 14 September 2017
Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

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from Tuesday 12 September
to Thursday 14 September 2017
Brussels, Belgium
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