Active TCs (by clusters)
The Technical Committees are the heart of the scientific activity of the association. The main forum where RILEM members meet and exchange their expertise. RILEM TCs play a major role in furthering scientific knowledge.
A group of international experts working together in a particular field in order to:
- assemble and evaluate research data
- harmonise testing methods
- suggest new topics for research (this research not to be directly undertaken by RILEM TCs)
and to promote their conclusions by publishing recommendations, technical reports or state-of-the-art reports for test methods or construction practice.
We collect topics that are attracting interest and for which the creation of a new TC is being discussed. For each topic, a brief description is provided, which is open to additions based on the inputs by the interested researchers. To receive more information about the work in progress on a specific topic, to propose any addition to the topic description and to express your interest in participating to a new TC, please contact the reference person, if indicated or the RILEM General Secretariat (
If you would like to propose a new topic, please contact the RILEM General Secretariat (
- TC TOPIC: World catalogue of masonry types, mechanical characterisation through on-field and laboratory testing and numerical modelling
- TC TOPIC: Long-term performance and durability of masonry under a changing climate (Bahman Ghiassi)
- TC TOPIC: Reuse of Brick Masonry for Circular Economy and Sustainability (Mohammad Kahangi) This Technical Committee (TC) aims to promote the reuse of bricks as a key strategy for advancing the circular economy in construction. The committee's work will incorporate several critical steps: Demolition and Recovery; Mortar Removal and Separation; Criteria for Salvageability; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This committee will aim to contribute to standardizing practices for brick reuse across Europe, promoting more sustainable construction practices.
Existing TCs
Role of the RILEM clusters
A RILEM TC is in direct connection with a RILEM Cluster. This body is entrusted with co-ordinating and monitoring RILEM TC activities, and to advise the RILEM Technical Activities Committee (TAC). This co-ordination is convened by Clusters conveners.
Cluster A. Cluster A : Material Processing and Characterization (Convener: Susan BERNAL LOPEZ)
- 284-CEC : Controlled expansion of concrete by adding MgO-based expansive agents taking the combined influence of composition and size of concrete elements into consideration
- 291-AMC : Use of Agro-Based Materials as Cementitious Additions in Concrete and Cement-Based Materials
- 296-ECS : Assessment of electrochemical methods to study corrosion of steel in concrete
- 302- CNC : Carbon-based nanomaterials for multifunctional cementitious matrices
- 303-PFC : Performance requirements and testing of fresh printable cement-based materials
- 304-ADC : Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures
- 305-PCC : Pumping of concrete
- 309-MCP : Accelerated Mineral Carbonation for the production of construction materials
- 311-MBC : Magnesia-based binders in concrete
- 312-PHC : Performance testing of hydraulic cements
- 317-ACP : Active Control of Properties of Fresh and Hardening Cementitious Materials
- CSA : Calcium sulfoaluminate-based cement and concrete
Cluster B. Transport and Deterioration Mechanisms (Convener: Josee DUCHESNE)
- 285-TMS: Test method for concrete durability under combined role of sulphate and chloride ions
- 286-GDP: Test Methods for Gas Diffusion in Porous Media
- 297-DOC : Degradation of organic coating materials and its relation to concrete durability
- 298-EBD : Test methods to evaluate durability of blended cement pastes against deleterious ions
- 313-MMS : Modelling and experimental validation of moisture state in bulk cementitious materials and at the steel-concrete interface
Cluster C. Structural Performance and Design (Convener: Kei-ichi IMAMOTO)
- 287-CCS : Early age and long-term crack width analysis in RC Structures
- 288-IEC: Impact and Explosion
- 292-MCC : Mechanical Characterization and Structural design of Textile Reinforced Concrete
- 294-MPA : Mechanical properties of alkali-activated concrete
- 306-CFR : Concrete during Fire - Reassessment of the framework
- 314-OCM : On-site Corrosion Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Prediction
- MBB : Mechanical behaviour of bio-aggregates based buildings materials
- QPA : Quality and performance assurance of additively manufactured cementitious composites by advanced non-invasive techniques
- RCC : Rolled compacted concrete for pavement applications
Cluster D. Service Life and Environmental Impact Assessment (Convener: Anya VOLLPRACHT)
- 289-DCM : Long-term durability of structural concretes in marine exposure conditions
- 299-TES : Thermal energy storage in cementitious composites
- 300-ARM : Alkali-aggregate reaction mitigation
- 301-ASR : Risk assessment of concrete mixture designs with alkali-silica reactive (ASR) aggregates
- 315-DCS : Data-driven concrete science
- CUC : Carbon dioxide uptake by concrete during and after service life
- SDM : Scientific Metadata Management of Construction materials
- UMW : Upcycling Powder Mineral “Wastes” into Cement Matrices
Cluster E. Masonry, Timber and Cultural Heritage (Convener: Arun MENON)
- 290-IMC : Durability of Inorganic Matrix Composites used for Strengthening of Masonry Constructions
- 310-TPT : Tests methods for a reliable characterization of resistance, stiffness and deformation properties of timber joints
- 318-BEC : Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience
- 319-MAE : Mechanical performance and durability assessment of earthen elements and structures
- 320-PEM : Processing of earth-based materials
- CTM : Testing Methods For Masonry Cores
- MCB : Mechanical Characterisation of Bamboo
Cluster F. Bituminous Materials and Polymers (Convener: Eshan DAVE)
- 295-FBB : Fingerprinting bituminous binders using physico-chemical analysis
- 307-PPB : Physicochemical Effects of Polymers in Bitumen
- 308-PAR : Performance-based Asphalt Recycling
- 316-FEE : Fume Emissions Evaluation for Asphalt Materials
- APD : Alternative Paving Materials - Design and Performance
- APS : Alternative Paving Materials - Sustainability
- MWP: Mechanical Wave Propagation to characterize bituminous mixtures